Hotei Sitting 18" High Statue
This sculpture of Hotei depicts the god of contentment and happiness, Hotei has a cheerful face and a big belly. It is tradition to rub the belly of our 18 inch tall Asian work of art for joy, his ear lobes for wisdom, and the hands for wealth. Let the Jolly Hotei find his way into your home or garden. Weight 136 lbs. so he has to shiped by common carrier. He is also worshipped as a god of good luck and prosperity. He is always represented as very stout, with the breast and upper abdomen exposed to view. His face has a widely grinning or laughing expression, and he is also known as the Laughing Buddha. He stands in the first hall of the Buddhist monastery. Because of his constant good nature, he has become the symbol of philosophical contentment. This is made of a durable cast stone and comes in many color choices.