Statues including St. Francis and St. Joseph

SAINT FRANCIS SCULPTURE 24.5" HIGH is proud to offer a large selection of statues in the Saints Statues section of our Religious Gallery. Shop Now.

In the Saint Statues section of our Religious Gallery, you will find a large selection of Catholic saint statues including St. Francis, St. Joseph, St. Michael, St. Anthony, and St. Fiacre (the Patron saint of gardeners).

St. Francis Statues

Statues of St. Francis are an extremely popular choice for decorating one’s home or garden. Francis called for simplicity of life, poverty, and humility before God. He worked to care for the poor, and one of his first actions after his conversion was to care for lepers. Thousands were drawn to his sincerity, piety, and joy. In all his actions, Francis sought to follow fully and literally the way of life demonstrated by Christ in the Gospels.

The patron saint of animals and charitable deeds, St. Francis (1182-1226) has proven to be an ideal symbol in one’s garden. Juxtaposed with the lush greens of your garden, St. Francis Statues will evoke the pastoral splendor of Italy where St. Francis himself walked, communing with the Divine Spirit manifested in the world of nature. You will notice that many of our Saint Francis statues also serves as birdbaths and bird feeders.

St. Joseph Statues

As the husband of Mary, Joseph drew on a steady faith in God to protect his wife and family during hard times. His steadfastness as a guardian and husband has made him the patron saint of fathers, families, and workingmen. As a carpenter, he also is associated with being the patron saint of real estate and there is the belief that burying a statue of him next to your for sale sign will expedite the sale of your house. We don’t recommend this with any of our statues.

St. Anthony Statues

Anthony was born in 1195 near Lisbon, Portugal to a very wealthy family. However, for the sake of Christ, he became a poor Franciscan priest. His incredible speaking and presentation skills led him into a life where he was constantly traveling, evangelizing, preaching, and teaching theology throughout Italy and France. He attracted crowds everywhere he went, speaking in multiple tongues and remains one of the most beloved of saints; his images and statues found everywhere.

Like all saints, he is a perfect example of turning one's life completely over to Christ. His popular devotion made him the patron saint of finding lost objects as he found himself by losing himself totally to the providence of God.

St. Fiacre – The Patron Saint of Gardeners

Born in Ireland, St. Fiacre was raised in a monastery in a time when much of mankind's learning and knowledge was left in the care and protection of the monks. Travelers brought seeds and plant material, as well as cultural enlightenment from as far away as Rome and the Holy Land.

St. Fiacre's days at the monastery taught him a deep love of silence, the joys of planting and harvesting crops and an appreciation of nature. Drawn to the religious life and the desire to serve God in solitude, Fiacre decided to establish a hermitage for worship. He traveled south and chose a wooded area by the Nore River for his home, with a cave for meditation, a well for drinking water and the river for bathing.

Monks in those days were regarded as physicians of the body as well as the soul. Soon people were flocking to Fiacre for prayers, food and healing. He fed the hungry and healed the sick with herbs from his garden and prayed for all who came there. Longing for solitude for his worship, Fiacre traveled to France where the Bishop of Meaux granted him land in a wooded area near the Marne River. He built a hut near a well, clearing space for his garden of vegetables, fruits, flowers and herbs.

The first miracle attributed to Fiacre, which later became cause for his sainthood, occurred when he asked for additional ground for his garden from the local Bishop. The Bishop Faro told Fiacre that he could have as much land as he could entrench in one day. According to legend, the next morning Fiacre merely dragged his spade across the ground, causing trees to topple and bushes to be uprooted. Word of this miracle spread and people flocked to him for food, healing and spiritual guidance.

St. Micheal Statues

St. Michael, the Archangel. The name Michael signifies “Who is like to God” and was the war cry of the good angels in the battle fought in heaven against Satan and his followers. Holy Scripture describes St. Michael as one of the chief princes, and leader of the forces of heaven in their triumph over the powers of hell. He has been especially honored and invoked as patron and protector of the Church from the time of the Apostles.

Although he is always called the Archangel, the Greek Fathers and many others place him over all the angels - as Prince of the Seraphim. St. Michael is the patron of grocers, mariners, paratroopers, police and sickness.